
(Brendan Rogers)

Wizard finds himself outside regularly. Often, he finds himself there for fun. For the past 10 years, he's worked at a children’s summer camp on the Saugeen Peninsula. Up there, he was outside all the time. The peninsula and it’s campers taught him valuable lessons, like the value of childlike wonderment, the brilliance of youth, and just how cool trees are.

He views the lessons nature and children offer as fundamentally important, and cherishes the wisdom both have to offer. Aside from being outdoors, Brendan is a computer programmer, freelance designer, and a lover and patron of the arts. The contrast between the digital and natural world in Brendan's life brings unique perspective to these “opposing” fields. The world is complicated, vast, and worth exploring fully.

Don’t be fooled by his merrymaking, easy charm, and general fun-loving demeanour, he has some realness in his noggin’ and heart that he is here to share.