Arlene Slocombe
Managing Director

Arlene dedicates herself to understanding what it is to be a caretaker, particularly as a guest on these lands she calls home. To walk with a light footprint she strives to tend as she goes, in deep gratitude for her rich life of nature connection she has had the privilege to enjoy. As a mother of two girls, Arlene is reminded daily of the importance in guiding and mentoring the natural curiosity and deep sense of empathy already existing in children. Arlene strives to continually increase her naturalist knowledge as well as deepen her learning on decolonizing herself and her role in nature connection and what it means to be a responsible treaty person. These ongoing life learnings have instilled a desire to pass these teachings along to young people.

Bringing in simple wild-crafting, folk herbal remedies, plant fibre crafts and bird language, Arlene hopes to share in the sense of AWE that we can all experience when we stop, listen, tend, and sit in gratitude of this majestic world.